Newsletter: November 2022


Newsletter: November 2022

By: Elemental Fitness Ltd Newsletter, personaltrainingleeds, onlinepersonaltraining

Newsletter: November 2022

Make it stop, no more please, we can’t take any more a couple is more than enough’’.

These are phrases heard by those who have a personal trainer and those who have listened to Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody for the seventh time (literally had this last week, in October!)

We now apologise to those that will train with us over the next two months and will have to deal with both.

Anyhow… things to discuss - Let’s get to it!

Personal Training

Always wanted a personal trainer yet never had the initial funds to get a ten or twenty-block set up.

There is no need to fret as PayPal offers a payment scheme to help pay the training fees upfront with the ability to spread the cost over 3 months.

If you are interested in taking that leap, getting your own personal trainer, and not having to break the bank let us know. More information can be found on PayPal’s website.

You can check out our price list to view all our payment options.


A shoutout to Caitlin Butler. A client of James, Caitlin has lost over 20kg since last year, impressive! James was most impressed with Caitlin’s attitude to training and how it has changed for the better. She has stated this is the longest she has ever kept to something and is seeing not only the physical benefits but a better mindset too.

James is proud of the fact she has committed herself to improving her quality of life and that she doesn’t show any signs of stopping.

Keep up the great work Caitlin, it only gets better from here!

Elemental Fitness Team

Ryan is back! Many will have noticed the quiet atmosphere as it seems like an age since Ryan was last barking orders to do more burpees!

After dealing with glandular fever for a week which also impacted his time away in sunny Ibiza (although you could be severely ill in worse places) he had a good 3 weeks away from the hustle ‘n’ bustle that is the life of Kickboxing Coach and PT.

He is back to work 100% yet has been advised to go easy with certain tasks for recovery – this means no abdominal strikes and heavy lifting – please be patient and you’ll be able to go heavy on the body conditioning soon enough.

Welcome back Ryan!


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to train at the best personal training centre, with the best personal training company in 2022? Well, if you train with us, you already do.