Booking Access to the Elemental Fitness Gym
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Booking Access to the Elemental Fitness Gym
By: Elemental Fitness Ltd personal training, healthandfitness, gym, kickboxingleeds

This blog is a quick 5 step guide on how to book in access to use the Elemental Fitness Gym Facilities. As this is a function is for current personal training clients and members of the Elemental Kickboxing Academy most will already be accustomed to using the booking feature.
Follow the steps below to get booked in!
1. By now you will have received an email with the Gym Access Package link in. Using this link, you will be asked to sign-up with your current login (those that are members of the EKA - head to step 2) or create an account (those that are only personal training clients of Elemental Fitness - go to step 4).
2. By adding this package, you will receive an invite which can be accessed through MyPTHub via a desktop. For those that are already signed up to the EKA this allows you to switch accounts via the app and see the gym access calendar.
3. On the app head to your settings page (top right, the one with either your initials or profile pic) and you will see a red button labelled ‘Switch Accounts’. This is how you move from EKA classes to EF Gym Access – simple.
4. Now using the app, head to the calendar from the bottom right button (those 9-dots) you will notice that the trainer choice on the calendar (bottom left button, little man with a settings wheel) will say Elemental Fitness Gym Access. This will show all available gym slots.
5. Choose the date and time you wish to use the facilities, book on and that’s it - see you at training.
For more details about My PT hub, please click here.
For more details about our COVID-19 procedures, please click here.